About Brand Analytics
Brand Analytics is an innovative IT company and developer of the social media monitoring and analysis system, a leader in the Russian and CIS market.
already use Brand Analytics to mitigate reputation risks, increase customer loyalty, create efficient communications, build HR-brand, and achieve other marketing goals
3+ bln
messages per month
Are being analyzed in real-time by the modern Big Data platform, state-of-the-art AI technologies and high-speed computer linguistics
Our Mission
Brand Analytics gives people an opportunity to be heard and change the world for the better.
For companies – makes it possible to hear people, see an undistorted view of the world and understand trends to build a successful business.
Brand Analytics gives people an opportunity to be heard and change the world for the better and for companies – makes it possible to hear people, see an undistorted view of the world and understand trends to build a successful business.
Our clients
Leading Russian and international companies: banks, FMCG-brands, reatail chains, pharmaceutical companies and others, as well as state administration bodies and ministries.

Reliable technological partner
Brand Analytics analytical system is included in the Unified Register of Russian Software. This status makes it possible to use the system, without any limitation, at government bodies and agencies and state-owned companies.
We use proprietary technological solutions and open-source software in system architecture.
Brand Analytics is a participant of the Skolkovo Project.
Brand Analytics was repeatedly recognized as the best social-media analytics system.

1st place
in awards of the Analytical Center for the RF Government
Industry Impact and Surveys
Brand Analytics organizes annual industry events - Brand Analytics Conference and social media analytics case contest Crystlal Ball. We also create educational programs for students, junior specialists as well as accomplished professionals.
Brand Analytics acts as a meter of the active audience of social networking sites in Russia, issuing the regular research reports Social Networking Sites in Russia: Figures and Trends, as well as a series of research and ratings dealing with trends of present-day media consumption.