Products Pricing Training Company


We are developing our system to solve not only operational, but also strategic tasks of our clients and partners, and we always take into account wishes and suggestions of users. We love our clients and they love us back.

  • Логотип Билайн

    Brand Analytics platform enables offline media monitoring and social media monitoring in one interface.

    Speed is one of the crucial elements of working with social media. While using the same interface, you can switch between topics of monitoring and sources in a split second. It also allows you to create various filters and manage your team members without delays.

    System settings are very well thought through and don't complicate the work process, especially when there are many team members involved. Brand Analytics has a very user-friendly interface both in a web service and a mobile app.

    There is no such thing as a perfect monitoring system, but Brand Analytic's Client Service helps adjust the system according to the client's needs

    In addition to this, Brand Analytics has all the technological capabilities of integration with various internal and external corporate systems, i.e. Helpdesks. It allows maximizing the effect of smooth work with social media.

    Kirill Tunik
    Head of direction for the creation
    and development of communication platforms
  • Логотип ВТБ

    Brand Analytics is used by several divisions of our bank: media relations, customer service department, sales department, and others.

    At media relations we use the system for both monitoring of the information field and response, and for analyzing social media and mass media. Also, the system helps us to assess the effectiveness of various publications and sources.

    The function of subscribing to automatically generated reports is very convenient. We set up data composition and distribution schedule (up to several times a day, if necessary). Reports are sent via e-mail, and they look like ready-made presentations.

    The notification system helps us keep our finger on the pulse and learn in real time about all important publications. It is configured for each manager according to required parameters dependent on specific tasks.

    It is very convenient that Brand Analytics now has a full-fledged monitoring of “classic” media: print, TV and radio. We are planning to use this system in the future as one of the tools for working with classical media.

    Yana Lebedinskaya
    Head of Media Relations Department
  • Логотип KantarTNS

    Brand Analytics has a wide range of data collection and analysis possibilities including automatic SPAM detection, topic segmentation, visual recognition, geo analysis and benchmark dashboards.

    The tool covers extensive N of Social data sources, including social networks (VK, Facebook and Instagram as well), forums and blogs, Telegram, imageboards, traditional Online media.

    In Russia we have been working with BA on a N of research projects. Although initially designed as a marketing/PR analytics tool, BA is a good companion to researchers, too. The dev team keeps the tool up to date in terms of newest trends of content analysis (both text & visual), which is very useful to brands, that do not possess such technologies within their portfolio.

    Norman Zenov
    Lead Researcher
  • Логотип TUI

    Fine-tuning allows us to solve a wide pool of problems such as situational monitoring or collecting UGC-content.

    The system collects messages from the difficult-to-monitor social networks such as Facebook and Instagram very effectively. It’s also convenient that the system saves all the collected messages even after their sources are deleted.

    Automatic tagging and labeling of messages lead to a quicker response when a brand is mentioned in social media; and it is especially important for the tour operator.

    We can set up alerts by a wide range of filters, from messages with a specific tag to messages with a neutral, negative or positive tone and so on.

    Another bonus is a system training course. It helps to educate new managers, to remind of all options of the service and to learn about newly added functionalities.

    Olga Ivanova
    Head of PR Department
  • Логотип ВЦИОМ

    We chose Brand Analytics for the high quality and comprehensiveness of data collection, which is extremely important in our research work. There is a convenient analytical functionality for data processing, and it allows us to build complex queries to select a desired segment. It seems that the system was intended for data analytics initially, and at the same time it provides a high-quality monitoring.

    Also, there is a very useful functionality, HR tag, in Brand Analytics. I have not seen anything like this in other systems. It allows us to search for employees’ messages on social media by the company name indicated in their profile. This option is extremely popular in HR brand research for large employers.

    Vlad Lapin
    Research Manager
  • Логотип ЯНАО

    The Brand Analytics allows to solve different tasks for a comprehensive assessment of the socio-economic development of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, identify problem areas and collect data on changes in public opinion, social tension, and political situation in the YANAO.

    The results of research developed with Brand Analytics data are used to form expert opinions and develop recommendations for making decisions in matters of socio-economic development of the Autonomous Okrug.

    Evgeny Kuznetsov
    Command Centre Director YANAO
  • Логотип Heads'Made

    We work with the Brand Analytics system every day. We can say that this is our main tool for quantifying information campaigns in the digital environment. Our managers of analytical department and their internal and external customers are extremely pleased with the results of this partnership.

    First of all, we would like to highlight a simple query language and a well-built internal report designer; this allows us to train a new employee in a record time. Also the system can be used by any of our agency’s specialist if necessary.

    The system is characterized by an extremely high-quality search for key queries, wide possibilities of auto-tagging settings; and it helps us to solve the most complex and non-standard tasks.

    We really like the “Event Wal” — a live social media dashboard which automatically generates a visual of an event from social media messages in real time with the mention of that event.

    I also want to underline a possibility of adding messages after detection which allows expanding the database and increases the accuracy of analytics over time.

    Olga Sivkova

* Threads, Facebook and Instagram belong to Meta Platforms Inc., which have been labeled extremist organisation and banned in Russian Federation