- Pay monthly 1 month
Pay half-yearly6 months -5%
- Pay yearly 1 year -10%
per month
Number of new messages
per month
Number of topics
A topic is a feed of messages with mentions of the monitored item, as well as a set of all automatic reports, information on the authors and other details on the monitored item. We recommend creating a separate topic for each item. If you want to track mentions of your brand and two competitors, you will need 3 topics.Sources
Sources are social networks, blogs, forums, feedback boards, marketplaces, map services, mobile app stores, Telegram channels and chats, online mass media, federal and regional print media, transcripts of TV shows and radio broadcasts. Socials and media in one hubDepth of archive collection
Depth of archive collection is a period preceding the current date, available for retrospective collection. If you need a collection with a depth of more than a year, you can order it for an extra fee.Number of archive messages per month
Overall number of messages downloaded from the annual archive in a month. Uploaded in addition to the new messages collected during the current report period and are not included in the limits for the new messages collection. Messages from current report period downloaded via archive data collection are included both in the account limits and archive data collection limits. If you need an additional data collection, you can order it for an extra fee.🔥 Stories
Stories are a functionality that combines publications dedicated to one story. It allows tracking the dynamics of a story in real-time and comparing stories with each other based on key indicators.Integrations
Integrations allow sending data from Brand Analytics to corporate systems, thus automating the client messages processing and teamwork. Integration with the following services is available:
- Messenger: Telegram
- Helpdesk systems: Usedesk, Angry.Space, Freshdesk, Useresponse, HelpDeskEddy, Omnidesk, Zendesk
- CRM: Bitrix24, Salesforce
- Statistic API
Statistics of social media and mass media mentions of any item within a years
The ‘Archive search for the year’ feature allows you to quickly assess the statistics of media and mass media mentions of any item over the past year without using price plan limits or incurring additional charges. Number of items is unlimited.Aspects
Aspect is a feature of a product, a brand, or a service to which the message author is expressing their attitude. For example, in a message, a user may criticise the design, but praise the prices. Brand Analytics will mark this as ‘design-negative’ and ‘price-positive’ in the message.Sampling
An ability to set the percentage of messages from the entire message stream to be included in a thread on the item. Allows for the solution of extensive tasks such as trend analysis, global phenomena or high profile events.Number of autotags in a topic / tags in a topic
Tags are text marks that can be added to messages to categorise them. Tags can be added to messages in two ways — automatically by pre-set keywords or manually. Autotags are text marks assigned to a message automatically according to the search query of the tag.Number of rules in a topic
Rules allow you to automate operations with the collected messages. Once you have set up the conditions you can automatically tag messages, change the tone, mark messages as ‘processed’ or delete them.Number of channels in a topic
Channel is a page or card for a brand, product, company or point of sale on websites, marketplaces or geo-services where people leave feedback. Enables the data collection from sources from which it is difficult to collect data generally. Channels can also be used to receive the entire stream of messages and comments from the selected social media pages, such as own brand accounts, into a topic, regardless of whether they contain the keywords or not.per month
Number of new messages
per month
Number of topics
A topic is a feed of messages with mentions of the monitored item, as well as a set of all automatic reports, information on the authors and other details on the monitored item. We recommend creating a separate topic for each item. If you want to track mentions of your brand and two competitors, you will need 3 topics. 4Sources
Sources are social networks, blogs, forums, feedback boards, marketplaces, map services, mobile app stores, Telegram channels and chats, online mass media, federal and regional print media, transcripts of TV shows and radio broadcasts. Socials and media in one hub Social media, online mass media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, paid feeds of news agenciesDepth of archive collection
Depth of archive collection is a period preceding the current date, available for retrospective collection. If you need a collection with a depth of more than a year, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 yearNumber of archive messages per month
Overall number of messages downloaded from the annual archive in a month. Uploaded in addition to the new messages collected during the current report period and are not included in the limits for the new messages collection. Messages from current report period downloaded via archive data collection are included both in the account limits and archive data collection limits. If you need an additional data collection, you can order it for an extra fee. 5 000 / 1🔥 Stories
Stories are a functionality that combines publications dedicated to one story. It allows tracking the dynamics of a story in real-time and comparing stories with each other based on key indicators. Social media, Mass mediaIntegrations
Integrations allow sending data from Brand Analytics to corporate systems, thus automating the client messages processing and teamwork. Integration with the following services is available:
- Messenger: Telegram
- Helpdesk systems: Usedesk, Angry.Space, Freshdesk, Useresponse, HelpDeskEddy, Omnidesk, Zendesk
- CRM: Bitrix24, Salesforce
- Statistic API
Statistics of social media and mass media mentions of any item within a years
The ‘Archive search for the year’ feature allows you to quickly assess the statistics of media and mass media mentions of any item over the past year without using price plan limits or incurring additional charges. Number of items is unlimited. —Aspects
Aspect is a feature of a product, a brand, or a service to which the message author is expressing their attitude. For example, in a message, a user may criticise the design, but praise the prices. Brand Analytics will mark this as ‘design-negative’ and ‘price-positive’ in the message. —Sampling
An ability to set the percentage of messages from the entire message stream to be included in a thread on the item. Allows for the solution of extensive tasks such as trend analysis, global phenomena or high profile events. —Number of autotags in a topic / tags in a topic
Tags are text marks that can be added to messages to categorise them. Tags can be added to messages in two ways — automatically by pre-set keywords or manually. Autotags are text marks assigned to a message automatically according to the search query of the tag. 30 / unlimitedNumber of rules in a topic
Rules allow you to automate operations with the collected messages. Once you have set up the conditions you can automatically tag messages, change the tone, mark messages as ‘processed’ or delete them. 10Number of channels in a topic
Channel is a page or card for a brand, product, company or point of sale on websites, marketplaces or geo-services where people leave feedback. Enables the data collection from sources from which it is difficult to collect data generally. Channels can also be used to receive the entire stream of messages and comments from the selected social media pages, such as own brand accounts, into a topic, regardless of whether they contain the keywords or not. 300per month
Number of new messages
per month
Number of topics
A topic is a feed of messages with mentions of the monitored item, as well as a set of all automatic reports, information on the authors and other details on the monitored item. We recommend creating a separate topic for each item. If you want to track mentions of your brand and two competitors, you will need 3 topics. 7Sources
Sources are social networks, blogs, forums, feedback boards, marketplaces, map services, mobile app stores, Telegram channels and chats, online mass media, federal and regional print media, transcripts of TV shows and radio broadcasts. Socials and media in one hub Social media, online mass media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, paid feeds of news agenciesDepth of archive collection
Depth of archive collection is a period preceding the current date, available for retrospective collection. If you need a collection with a depth of more than a year, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 yearNumber of archive messages per month
Overall number of messages downloaded from the annual archive in a month. Uploaded in addition to the new messages collected during the current report period and are not included in the limits for the new messages collection. Messages from current report period downloaded via archive data collection are included both in the account limits and archive data collection limits. If you need an additional data collection, you can order it for an extra fee. 25 000 / 5🔥 Stories
Stories are a functionality that combines publications dedicated to one story. It allows tracking the dynamics of a story in real-time and comparing stories with each other based on key indicators. Social media, Mass mediaIntegrations
Integrations allow sending data from Brand Analytics to corporate systems, thus automating the client messages processing and teamwork. Integration with the following services is available:
- Messenger: Telegram
- Helpdesk systems: Usedesk, Angry.Space, Freshdesk, Useresponse, HelpDeskEddy, Omnidesk, Zendesk
- CRM: Bitrix24, Salesforce
- Statistic API
Statistics of social media and mass media mentions of any item within a years
The ‘Archive search for the year’ feature allows you to quickly assess the statistics of media and mass media mentions of any item over the past year without using price plan limits or incurring additional charges. Number of items is unlimited. —Aspects
Aspect is a feature of a product, a brand, or a service to which the message author is expressing their attitude. For example, in a message, a user may criticise the design, but praise the prices. Brand Analytics will mark this as ‘design-negative’ and ‘price-positive’ in the message. —Sampling
An ability to set the percentage of messages from the entire message stream to be included in a thread on the item. Allows for the solution of extensive tasks such as trend analysis, global phenomena or high profile events. —Number of autotags in a topic / tags in a topic
Tags are text marks that can be added to messages to categorise them. Tags can be added to messages in two ways — automatically by pre-set keywords or manually. Autotags are text marks assigned to a message automatically according to the search query of the tag. 40 / unlimitedNumber of rules in a topic
Rules allow you to automate operations with the collected messages. Once you have set up the conditions you can automatically tag messages, change the tone, mark messages as ‘processed’ or delete them. 20Number of channels in a topic
Channel is a page or card for a brand, product, company or point of sale on websites, marketplaces or geo-services where people leave feedback. Enables the data collection from sources from which it is difficult to collect data generally. Channels can also be used to receive the entire stream of messages and comments from the selected social media pages, such as own brand accounts, into a topic, regardless of whether they contain the keywords or not. 500per month
Number of new messages
per month
Number of topics
A topic is a feed of messages with mentions of the monitored item, as well as a set of all automatic reports, information on the authors and other details on the monitored item. We recommend creating a separate topic for each item. If you want to track mentions of your brand and two competitors, you will need 3 topics. 12Sources
Sources are social networks, blogs, forums, feedback boards, marketplaces, map services, mobile app stores, Telegram channels and chats, online mass media, federal and regional print media, transcripts of TV shows and radio broadcasts. Socials and media in one hub Social media, online mass media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, paid feeds of news agenciesDepth of archive collection
Depth of archive collection is a period preceding the current date, available for retrospective collection. If you need a collection with a depth of more than a year, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 yearNumber of archive messages per month
Overall number of messages downloaded from the annual archive in a month. Uploaded in addition to the new messages collected during the current report period and are not included in the limits for the new messages collection. Messages from current report period downloaded via archive data collection are included both in the account limits and archive data collection limits. If you need an additional data collection, you can order it for an extra fee. 75 000 / 5🔥 Stories
Stories are a functionality that combines publications dedicated to one story. It allows tracking the dynamics of a story in real-time and comparing stories with each other based on key indicators. Social media, Mass mediaper month
Integrations allow sending data from Brand Analytics to corporate systems, thus automating the client messages processing and teamwork. Integration with the following services is available:
- Messenger: Telegram
- Helpdesk systems: Usedesk, Angry.Space, Freshdesk, Useresponse, HelpDeskEddy, Omnidesk, Zendesk
- CRM: Bitrix24, Salesforce
- Statistic API
Statistics of social media and mass media mentions of any item within a years
The ‘Archive search for the year’ feature allows you to quickly assess the statistics of media and mass media mentions of any item over the past year without using price plan limits or incurring additional charges. Number of items is unlimited.Aspects
Aspect is a feature of a product, a brand, or a service to which the message author is expressing their attitude. For example, in a message, a user may criticise the design, but praise the prices. Brand Analytics will mark this as ‘design-negative’ and ‘price-positive’ in the message. —Sampling
An ability to set the percentage of messages from the entire message stream to be included in a thread on the item. Allows for the solution of extensive tasks such as trend analysis, global phenomena or high profile events. —Number of autotags in a topic / tags in a topic
Tags are text marks that can be added to messages to categorise them. Tags can be added to messages in two ways — automatically by pre-set keywords or manually. Autotags are text marks assigned to a message automatically according to the search query of the tag. 50 / unlimitedNumber of rules in a topic
Rules allow you to automate operations with the collected messages. Once you have set up the conditions you can automatically tag messages, change the tone, mark messages as ‘processed’ or delete them. 30Number of channels in a topic
Channel is a page or card for a brand, product, company or point of sale on websites, marketplaces or geo-services where people leave feedback. Enables the data collection from sources from which it is difficult to collect data generally. Channels can also be used to receive the entire stream of messages and comments from the selected social media pages, such as own brand accounts, into a topic, regardless of whether they contain the keywords or not. 500per month
Number of new messages
per month
Number of topics
A topic is a feed of messages with mentions of the monitored item, as well as a set of all automatic reports, information on the authors and other details on the monitored item. We recommend creating a separate topic for each item. If you want to track mentions of your brand and two competitors, you will need 3 topics. 20Sources
Sources are social networks, blogs, forums, feedback boards, marketplaces, map services, mobile app stores, Telegram channels and chats, online mass media, federal and regional print media, transcripts of TV shows and radio broadcasts. Socials and media in one hub Social media, online mass media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, paid feeds of news agenciesDepth of archive collection
Depth of archive collection is a period preceding the current date, available for retrospective collection. If you need a collection with a depth of more than a year, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 yearNumber of archive messages per month
Overall number of messages downloaded from the annual archive in a month. Uploaded in addition to the new messages collected during the current report period and are not included in the limits for the new messages collection. Messages from current report period downloaded via archive data collection are included both in the account limits and archive data collection limits. If you need an additional data collection, you can order it for an extra fee. 250 000 / 5🔥 Stories
Stories are a functionality that combines publications dedicated to one story. It allows tracking the dynamics of a story in real-time and comparing stories with each other based on key indicators. Social media, Mass mediaper month
Integrations allow sending data from Brand Analytics to corporate systems, thus automating the client messages processing and teamwork. Integration with the following services is available:
- Messenger: Telegram
- Helpdesk systems: Usedesk, Angry.Space, Freshdesk, Useresponse, HelpDeskEddy, Omnidesk, Zendesk
- CRM: Bitrix24, Salesforce
- Statistic API
Statistics of social media and mass media mentions of any item within a years
The ‘Archive search for the year’ feature allows you to quickly assess the statistics of media and mass media mentions of any item over the past year without using price plan limits or incurring additional charges. Number of items is unlimited.Aspects
Aspect is a feature of a product, a brand, or a service to which the message author is expressing their attitude. For example, in a message, a user may criticise the design, but praise the prices. Brand Analytics will mark this as ‘design-negative’ and ‘price-positive’ in the message.Sampling
An ability to set the percentage of messages from the entire message stream to be included in a thread on the item. Allows for the solution of extensive tasks such as trend analysis, global phenomena or high profile events. —Number of autotags in a topic / tags in a topic
Tags are text marks that can be added to messages to categorise them. Tags can be added to messages in two ways — automatically by pre-set keywords or manually. Autotags are text marks assigned to a message automatically according to the search query of the tag. 70 / unlimitedNumber of rules in a topic
Rules allow you to automate operations with the collected messages. Once you have set up the conditions you can automatically tag messages, change the tone, mark messages as ‘processed’ or delete them. 40Number of channels in a topic
Channel is a page or card for a brand, product, company or point of sale on websites, marketplaces or geo-services where people leave feedback. Enables the data collection from sources from which it is difficult to collect data generally. Channels can also be used to receive the entire stream of messages and comments from the selected social media pages, such as own brand accounts, into a topic, regardless of whether they contain the keywords or not. 500per month
Number of new messages
per month
Number of topics
A topic is a feed of messages with mentions of the monitored item, as well as a set of all automatic reports, information on the authors and other details on the monitored item. We recommend creating a separate topic for each item. If you want to track mentions of your brand and two competitors, you will need 3 topics. 30Sources
Sources are social networks, blogs, forums, feedback boards, marketplaces, map services, mobile app stores, Telegram channels and chats, online mass media, federal and regional print media, transcripts of TV shows and radio broadcasts. Socials and media in one hub Social media, online mass media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, paid feeds of news agenciesDepth of archive collection
Depth of archive collection is a period preceding the current date, available for retrospective collection. If you need a collection with a depth of more than a year, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 yearNumber of archive messages per month
Overall number of messages downloaded from the annual archive in a month. Uploaded in addition to the new messages collected during the current report period and are not included in the limits for the new messages collection. Messages from current report period downloaded via archive data collection are included both in the account limits and archive data collection limits. If you need an additional data collection, you can order it for an extra fee. 500 000 / 5🔥 Stories
Stories are a functionality that combines publications dedicated to one story. It allows tracking the dynamics of a story in real-time and comparing stories with each other based on key indicators. Social media, Mass mediaper month
Integrations allow sending data from Brand Analytics to corporate systems, thus automating the client messages processing and teamwork. Integration with the following services is available:
- Messenger: Telegram
- Helpdesk systems: Usedesk, Angry.Space, Freshdesk, Useresponse, HelpDeskEddy, Omnidesk, Zendesk
- CRM: Bitrix24, Salesforce
- Statistic API
Statistics of social media and mass media mentions of any item within a years
The ‘Archive search for the year’ feature allows you to quickly assess the statistics of media and mass media mentions of any item over the past year without using price plan limits or incurring additional charges. Number of items is unlimited.Aspects
Aspect is a feature of a product, a brand, or a service to which the message author is expressing their attitude. For example, in a message, a user may criticise the design, but praise the prices. Brand Analytics will mark this as ‘design-negative’ and ‘price-positive’ in the message.Sampling
An ability to set the percentage of messages from the entire message stream to be included in a thread on the item. Allows for the solution of extensive tasks such as trend analysis, global phenomena or high profile events. —Number of autotags in a topic / tags in a topic
Tags are text marks that can be added to messages to categorise them. Tags can be added to messages in two ways — automatically by pre-set keywords or manually. Autotags are text marks assigned to a message automatically according to the search query of the tag. 100 / unlimitedNumber of rules in a topic
Rules allow you to automate operations with the collected messages. Once you have set up the conditions you can automatically tag messages, change the tone, mark messages as ‘processed’ or delete them. 100Number of channels in a topic
Channel is a page or card for a brand, product, company or point of sale on websites, marketplaces or geo-services where people leave feedback. Enables the data collection from sources from which it is difficult to collect data generally. Channels can also be used to receive the entire stream of messages and comments from the selected social media pages, such as own brand accounts, into a topic, regardless of whether they contain the keywords or not. 500per month
Number of new messages
per month
Number of topics
A topic is a feed of messages with mentions of the monitored item, as well as a set of all automatic reports, information on the authors and other details on the monitored item. We recommend creating a separate topic for each item. If you want to track mentions of your brand and two competitors, you will need 3 topics. 50Sources
Sources are social networks, blogs, forums, feedback boards, marketplaces, map services, mobile app stores, Telegram channels and chats, online mass media, federal and regional print media, transcripts of TV shows and radio broadcasts. Socials and media in one hub Social media, online mass media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, paid feeds of news agenciesDepth of archive collection
Depth of archive collection is a period preceding the current date, available for retrospective collection. If you need a collection with a depth of more than a year, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 yearNumber of archive messages per month
Overall number of messages downloaded from the annual archive in a month. Uploaded in addition to the new messages collected during the current report period and are not included in the limits for the new messages collection. Messages from current report period downloaded via archive data collection are included both in the account limits and archive data collection limits. If you need an additional data collection, you can order it for an extra fee. 500 000 / 5🔥 Stories
Stories are a functionality that combines publications dedicated to one story. It allows tracking the dynamics of a story in real-time and comparing stories with each other based on key indicators. Social media, Mass mediaper month
Integrations allow sending data from Brand Analytics to corporate systems, thus automating the client messages processing and teamwork. Integration with the following services is available:
- Messenger: Telegram
- Helpdesk systems: Usedesk, Angry.Space, Freshdesk, Useresponse, HelpDeskEddy, Omnidesk, Zendesk
- CRM: Bitrix24, Salesforce
- Statistic API
Statistics of social media and mass media mentions of any item within a years
The ‘Archive search for the year’ feature allows you to quickly assess the statistics of media and mass media mentions of any item over the past year without using price plan limits or incurring additional charges. Number of items is unlimited.Aspects
Aspect is a feature of a product, a brand, or a service to which the message author is expressing their attitude. For example, in a message, a user may criticise the design, but praise the prices. Brand Analytics will mark this as ‘design-negative’ and ‘price-positive’ in the message.Sampling
An ability to set the percentage of messages from the entire message stream to be included in a thread on the item. Allows for the solution of extensive tasks such as trend analysis, global phenomena or high profile events. —Number of autotags in a topic / tags in a topic
Tags are text marks that can be added to messages to categorise them. Tags can be added to messages in two ways — automatically by pre-set keywords or manually. Autotags are text marks assigned to a message automatically according to the search query of the tag. 150 / unlimitedNumber of rules in a topic
Rules allow you to automate operations with the collected messages. Once you have set up the conditions you can automatically tag messages, change the tone, mark messages as ‘processed’ or delete them. 100Number of channels in a topic
Channel is a page or card for a brand, product, company or point of sale on websites, marketplaces or geo-services where people leave feedback. Enables the data collection from sources from which it is difficult to collect data generally. Channels can also be used to receive the entire stream of messages and comments from the selected social media pages, such as own brand accounts, into a topic, regardless of whether they contain the keywords or not. 500per month
Number of new messages
per month
Number of topics
A topic is a feed of messages with mentions of the monitored item, as well as a set of all automatic reports, information on the authors and other details on the monitored item. We recommend creating a separate topic for each item. If you want to track mentions of your brand and two competitors, you will need 3 topics. 70Sources
Sources are social networks, blogs, forums, feedback boards, marketplaces, map services, mobile app stores, Telegram channels and chats, online mass media, federal and regional print media, transcripts of TV shows and radio broadcasts. Socials and media in one hub Social media, online mass media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, paid feeds of news agenciesDepth of archive collection
Depth of archive collection is a period preceding the current date, available for retrospective collection. If you need a collection with a depth of more than a year, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 yearNumber of archive messages per month
Overall number of messages downloaded from the annual archive in a month. Uploaded in addition to the new messages collected during the current report period and are not included in the limits for the new messages collection. Messages from current report period downloaded via archive data collection are included both in the account limits and archive data collection limits. If you need an additional data collection, you can order it for an extra fee. 500 000 / 5🔥 Stories
Stories are a functionality that combines publications dedicated to one story. It allows tracking the dynamics of a story in real-time and comparing stories with each other based on key indicators. Social media, Mass mediaper month
Integrations allow sending data from Brand Analytics to corporate systems, thus automating the client messages processing and teamwork. Integration with the following services is available:
- Messenger: Telegram
- Helpdesk systems: Usedesk, Angry.Space, Freshdesk, Useresponse, HelpDeskEddy, Omnidesk, Zendesk
- CRM: Bitrix24, Salesforce
- Statistic API
Statistics of social media and mass media mentions of any item within a years
The ‘Archive search for the year’ feature allows you to quickly assess the statistics of media and mass media mentions of any item over the past year without using price plan limits or incurring additional charges. Number of items is unlimited.Aspects
Aspect is a feature of a product, a brand, or a service to which the message author is expressing their attitude. For example, in a message, a user may criticise the design, but praise the prices. Brand Analytics will mark this as ‘design-negative’ and ‘price-positive’ in the message.Sampling
An ability to set the percentage of messages from the entire message stream to be included in a thread on the item. Allows for the solution of extensive tasks such as trend analysis, global phenomena or high profile events. —Number of autotags in a topic / tags in a topic
Tags are text marks that can be added to messages to categorise them. Tags can be added to messages in two ways — automatically by pre-set keywords or manually. Autotags are text marks assigned to a message automatically according to the search query of the tag. 200 / unlimitedNumber of rules in a topic
Rules allow you to automate operations with the collected messages. Once you have set up the conditions you can automatically tag messages, change the tone, mark messages as ‘processed’ or delete them. 100Number of channels in a topic
Channel is a page or card for a brand, product, company or point of sale on websites, marketplaces or geo-services where people leave feedback. Enables the data collection from sources from which it is difficult to collect data generally. Channels can also be used to receive the entire stream of messages and comments from the selected social media pages, such as own brand accounts, into a topic, regardless of whether they contain the keywords or not. 500per month
Number of new messages
per month
Number of topics
A topic is a feed of messages with mentions of the monitored item, as well as a set of all automatic reports, information on the authors and other details on the monitored item. We recommend creating a separate topic for each item. If you want to track mentions of your brand and two competitors, you will need 3 topics. 85Sources
Sources are social networks, blogs, forums, feedback boards, marketplaces, map services, mobile app stores, Telegram channels and chats, online mass media, federal and regional print media, transcripts of TV shows and radio broadcasts. Socials and media in one hub Social media, online mass media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, paid feeds of news agenciesDepth of archive collection
Depth of archive collection is a period preceding the current date, available for retrospective collection. If you need a collection with a depth of more than a year, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 yearNumber of archive messages per month
Overall number of messages downloaded from the annual archive in a month. Uploaded in addition to the new messages collected during the current report period and are not included in the limits for the new messages collection. Messages from current report period downloaded via archive data collection are included both in the account limits and archive data collection limits. If you need an additional data collection, you can order it for an extra fee. 500 000 / 5🔥 Stories
Stories are a functionality that combines publications dedicated to one story. It allows tracking the dynamics of a story in real-time and comparing stories with each other based on key indicators. Social media, Mass mediaper month
Integrations allow sending data from Brand Analytics to corporate systems, thus automating the client messages processing and teamwork. Integration with the following services is available:
- Messenger: Telegram
- Helpdesk systems: Usedesk, Angry.Space, Freshdesk, Useresponse, HelpDeskEddy, Omnidesk, Zendesk
- CRM: Bitrix24, Salesforce
- Statistic API
Statistics of social media and mass media mentions of any item within a years
The ‘Archive search for the year’ feature allows you to quickly assess the statistics of media and mass media mentions of any item over the past year without using price plan limits or incurring additional charges. Number of items is unlimited.Aspects
Aspect is a feature of a product, a brand, or a service to which the message author is expressing their attitude. For example, in a message, a user may criticise the design, but praise the prices. Brand Analytics will mark this as ‘design-negative’ and ‘price-positive’ in the message.Sampling
An ability to set the percentage of messages from the entire message stream to be included in a thread on the item. Allows for the solution of extensive tasks such as trend analysis, global phenomena or high profile events. —Number of autotags in a topic / tags in a topic
Tags are text marks that can be added to messages to categorise them. Tags can be added to messages in two ways — automatically by pre-set keywords or manually. Autotags are text marks assigned to a message automatically according to the search query of the tag. 200 / unlimitedNumber of rules in a topic
Rules allow you to automate operations with the collected messages. Once you have set up the conditions you can automatically tag messages, change the tone, mark messages as ‘processed’ or delete them. 100Number of channels in a topic
Channel is a page or card for a brand, product, company or point of sale on websites, marketplaces or geo-services where people leave feedback. Enables the data collection from sources from which it is difficult to collect data generally. Channels can also be used to receive the entire stream of messages and comments from the selected social media pages, such as own brand accounts, into a topic, regardless of whether they contain the keywords or not. 500per month
Number of new messages
per month
Number of topics
A topic is a feed of messages with mentions of the monitored item, as well as a set of all automatic reports, information on the authors and other details on the monitored item. We recommend creating a separate topic for each item. If you want to track mentions of your brand and two competitors, you will need 3 topics. 100Sources
Sources are social networks, blogs, forums, feedback boards, marketplaces, map services, mobile app stores, Telegram channels and chats, online mass media, federal and regional print media, transcripts of TV shows and radio broadcasts. Socials and media in one hub Social media, online mass media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, paid feeds of news agenciesDepth of archive collection
Depth of archive collection is a period preceding the current date, available for retrospective collection. If you need a collection with a depth of more than a year, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 yearNumber of archive messages per month
Overall number of messages downloaded from the annual archive in a month. Uploaded in addition to the new messages collected during the current report period and are not included in the limits for the new messages collection. Messages from current report period downloaded via archive data collection are included both in the account limits and archive data collection limits. If you need an additional data collection, you can order it for an extra fee. 500 000 / 5🔥 Stories
Stories are a functionality that combines publications dedicated to one story. It allows tracking the dynamics of a story in real-time and comparing stories with each other based on key indicators. Social media, Mass mediaper month
Integrations allow sending data from Brand Analytics to corporate systems, thus automating the client messages processing and teamwork. Integration with the following services is available:
- Messenger: Telegram
- Helpdesk systems: Usedesk, Angry.Space, Freshdesk, Useresponse, HelpDeskEddy, Omnidesk, Zendesk
- CRM: Bitrix24, Salesforce
- Statistic API
Statistics of social media and mass media mentions of any item within a years
The ‘Archive search for the year’ feature allows you to quickly assess the statistics of media and mass media mentions of any item over the past year without using price plan limits or incurring additional charges. Number of items is unlimited.Aspects
Aspect is a feature of a product, a brand, or a service to which the message author is expressing their attitude. For example, in a message, a user may criticise the design, but praise the prices. Brand Analytics will mark this as ‘design-negative’ and ‘price-positive’ in the message.Sampling
An ability to set the percentage of messages from the entire message stream to be included in a thread on the item. Allows for the solution of extensive tasks such as trend analysis, global phenomena or high profile events. —Number of autotags in a topic / tags in a topic
Tags are text marks that can be added to messages to categorise them. Tags can be added to messages in two ways — automatically by pre-set keywords or manually. Autotags are text marks assigned to a message automatically according to the search query of the tag. 200 / unlimitedNumber of rules in a topic
Rules allow you to automate operations with the collected messages. Once you have set up the conditions you can automatically tag messages, change the tone, mark messages as ‘processed’ or delete them. 100Number of channels in a topic
Channel is a page or card for a brand, product, company or point of sale on websites, marketplaces or geo-services where people leave feedback. Enables the data collection from sources from which it is difficult to collect data generally. Channels can also be used to receive the entire stream of messages and comments from the selected social media pages, such as own brand accounts, into a topic, regardless of whether they contain the keywords or not. 500per month
Number of new messages
per month
Number of topics
A topic is a feed of messages with mentions of the monitored item, as well as a set of all automatic reports, information on the authors and other details on the monitored item. We recommend creating a separate topic for each item. If you want to track mentions of your brand and two competitors, you will need 3 topics. 70Sources
Sources are social networks, blogs, forums, feedback boards, marketplaces, map services, mobile app stores, Telegram channels and chats, online mass media, federal and regional print media, transcripts of TV shows and radio broadcasts. Socials and media in one hub Social media, online mass media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, paid feeds of news agenciesDepth of archive collection
Depth of archive collection is a period preceding the current date, available for retrospective collection. If you need a collection with a depth of more than a year, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 yearNumber of archive messages per month
Overall number of messages downloaded from the annual archive in a month. Uploaded in addition to the new messages collected during the current report period and are not included in the limits for the new messages collection. Messages from current report period downloaded via archive data collection are included both in the account limits and archive data collection limits. If you need an additional data collection, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 000 000 / 7🔥 Stories
Stories are a functionality that combines publications dedicated to one story. It allows tracking the dynamics of a story in real-time and comparing stories with each other based on key indicators. Social media, Mass mediaper month
Integrations allow sending data from Brand Analytics to corporate systems, thus automating the client messages processing and teamwork. Integration with the following services is available:
- Messenger: Telegram
- Helpdesk systems: Usedesk, Angry.Space, Freshdesk, Useresponse, HelpDeskEddy, Omnidesk, Zendesk
- CRM: Bitrix24, Salesforce
- Statistic API
Statistics of social media and mass media mentions of any item within a years
The ‘Archive search for the year’ feature allows you to quickly assess the statistics of media and mass media mentions of any item over the past year without using price plan limits or incurring additional charges. Number of items is unlimited.Aspects
Aspect is a feature of a product, a brand, or a service to which the message author is expressing their attitude. For example, in a message, a user may criticise the design, but praise the prices. Brand Analytics will mark this as ‘design-negative’ and ‘price-positive’ in the message.Sampling
An ability to set the percentage of messages from the entire message stream to be included in a thread on the item. Allows for the solution of extensive tasks such as trend analysis, global phenomena or high profile events.Number of autotags in a topic / tags in a topic
Tags are text marks that can be added to messages to categorise them. Tags can be added to messages in two ways — automatically by pre-set keywords or manually. Autotags are text marks assigned to a message automatically according to the search query of the tag. 200 / unlimitedNumber of rules in a topic
Rules allow you to automate operations with the collected messages. Once you have set up the conditions you can automatically tag messages, change the tone, mark messages as ‘processed’ or delete them. 100Number of channels in a topic
Channel is a page or card for a brand, product, company or point of sale on websites, marketplaces or geo-services where people leave feedback. Enables the data collection from sources from which it is difficult to collect data generally. Channels can also be used to receive the entire stream of messages and comments from the selected social media pages, such as own brand accounts, into a topic, regardless of whether they contain the keywords or not. 500per month
Number of new messages
per month
Number of topics
A topic is a feed of messages with mentions of the monitored item, as well as a set of all automatic reports, information on the authors and other details on the monitored item. We recommend creating a separate topic for each item. If you want to track mentions of your brand and two competitors, you will need 3 topics. 85Sources
Sources are social networks, blogs, forums, feedback boards, marketplaces, map services, mobile app stores, Telegram channels and chats, online mass media, federal and regional print media, transcripts of TV shows and radio broadcasts. Socials and media in one hub Social media, online mass media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, paid feeds of news agenciesDepth of archive collection
Depth of archive collection is a period preceding the current date, available for retrospective collection. If you need a collection with a depth of more than a year, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 yearNumber of archive messages per month
Overall number of messages downloaded from the annual archive in a month. Uploaded in addition to the new messages collected during the current report period and are not included in the limits for the new messages collection. Messages from current report period downloaded via archive data collection are included both in the account limits and archive data collection limits. If you need an additional data collection, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 000 000 / 8🔥 Stories
Stories are a functionality that combines publications dedicated to one story. It allows tracking the dynamics of a story in real-time and comparing stories with each other based on key indicators. Social media, Mass mediaper month
Integrations allow sending data from Brand Analytics to corporate systems, thus automating the client messages processing and teamwork. Integration with the following services is available:
- Messenger: Telegram
- Helpdesk systems: Usedesk, Angry.Space, Freshdesk, Useresponse, HelpDeskEddy, Omnidesk, Zendesk
- CRM: Bitrix24, Salesforce
- Statistic API
Statistics of social media and mass media mentions of any item within a years
The ‘Archive search for the year’ feature allows you to quickly assess the statistics of media and mass media mentions of any item over the past year without using price plan limits or incurring additional charges. Number of items is unlimited.Aspects
Aspect is a feature of a product, a brand, or a service to which the message author is expressing their attitude. For example, in a message, a user may criticise the design, but praise the prices. Brand Analytics will mark this as ‘design-negative’ and ‘price-positive’ in the message.Sampling
An ability to set the percentage of messages from the entire message stream to be included in a thread on the item. Allows for the solution of extensive tasks such as trend analysis, global phenomena or high profile events.Number of autotags in a topic / tags in a topic
Tags are text marks that can be added to messages to categorise them. Tags can be added to messages in two ways — automatically by pre-set keywords or manually. Autotags are text marks assigned to a message automatically according to the search query of the tag. 200 / unlimitedNumber of rules in a topic
Rules allow you to automate operations with the collected messages. Once you have set up the conditions you can automatically tag messages, change the tone, mark messages as ‘processed’ or delete them. 100Number of channels in a topic
Channel is a page or card for a brand, product, company or point of sale on websites, marketplaces or geo-services where people leave feedback. Enables the data collection from sources from which it is difficult to collect data generally. Channels can also be used to receive the entire stream of messages and comments from the selected social media pages, such as own brand accounts, into a topic, regardless of whether they contain the keywords or not. 500per month
Number of new messages
per month
Number of topics
A topic is a feed of messages with mentions of the monitored item, as well as a set of all automatic reports, information on the authors and other details on the monitored item. We recommend creating a separate topic for each item. If you want to track mentions of your brand and two competitors, you will need 3 topics. 100Sources
Sources are social networks, blogs, forums, feedback boards, marketplaces, map services, mobile app stores, Telegram channels and chats, online mass media, federal and regional print media, transcripts of TV shows and radio broadcasts. Socials and media in one hub Social media, online mass media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, paid feeds of news agenciesDepth of archive collection
Depth of archive collection is a period preceding the current date, available for retrospective collection. If you need a collection with a depth of more than a year, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 yearNumber of archive messages per month
Overall number of messages downloaded from the annual archive in a month. Uploaded in addition to the new messages collected during the current report period and are not included in the limits for the new messages collection. Messages from current report period downloaded via archive data collection are included both in the account limits and archive data collection limits. If you need an additional data collection, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 000 000 / 10🔥 Stories
Stories are a functionality that combines publications dedicated to one story. It allows tracking the dynamics of a story in real-time and comparing stories with each other based on key indicators. Social media, Mass mediaper month
Integrations allow sending data from Brand Analytics to corporate systems, thus automating the client messages processing and teamwork. Integration with the following services is available:
- Messenger: Telegram
- Helpdesk systems: Usedesk, Angry.Space, Freshdesk, Useresponse, HelpDeskEddy, Omnidesk, Zendesk
- CRM: Bitrix24, Salesforce
- Statistic API
Statistics of social media and mass media mentions of any item within a years
The ‘Archive search for the year’ feature allows you to quickly assess the statistics of media and mass media mentions of any item over the past year without using price plan limits or incurring additional charges. Number of items is unlimited.Aspects
Aspect is a feature of a product, a brand, or a service to which the message author is expressing their attitude. For example, in a message, a user may criticise the design, but praise the prices. Brand Analytics will mark this as ‘design-negative’ and ‘price-positive’ in the message.Sampling
An ability to set the percentage of messages from the entire message stream to be included in a thread on the item. Allows for the solution of extensive tasks such as trend analysis, global phenomena or high profile events.Number of autotags in a topic / tags in a topic
Tags are text marks that can be added to messages to categorise them. Tags can be added to messages in two ways — automatically by pre-set keywords or manually. Autotags are text marks assigned to a message automatically according to the search query of the tag. 200 / unlimitedNumber of rules in a topic
Rules allow you to automate operations with the collected messages. Once you have set up the conditions you can automatically tag messages, change the tone, mark messages as ‘processed’ or delete them. 100Number of channels in a topic
Channel is a page or card for a brand, product, company or point of sale on websites, marketplaces or geo-services where people leave feedback. Enables the data collection from sources from which it is difficult to collect data generally. Channels can also be used to receive the entire stream of messages and comments from the selected social media pages, such as own brand accounts, into a topic, regardless of whether they contain the keywords or not. 500per month
Number of new messages
per month
Number of topics
A topic is a feed of messages with mentions of the monitored item, as well as a set of all automatic reports, information on the authors and other details on the monitored item. We recommend creating a separate topic for each item. If you want to track mentions of your brand and two competitors, you will need 3 topics. 100Sources
Sources are social networks, blogs, forums, feedback boards, marketplaces, map services, mobile app stores, Telegram channels and chats, online mass media, federal and regional print media, transcripts of TV shows and radio broadcasts. Socials and media in one hub Social media, online mass media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, paid feeds of news agenciesDepth of archive collection
Depth of archive collection is a period preceding the current date, available for retrospective collection. If you need a collection with a depth of more than a year, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 yearNumber of archive messages per month
Overall number of messages downloaded from the annual archive in a month. Uploaded in addition to the new messages collected during the current report period and are not included in the limits for the new messages collection. Messages from current report period downloaded via archive data collection are included both in the account limits and archive data collection limits. If you need an additional data collection, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 000 000 / 11🔥 Stories
Stories are a functionality that combines publications dedicated to one story. It allows tracking the dynamics of a story in real-time and comparing stories with each other based on key indicators. Social media, Mass mediaper month
Integrations allow sending data from Brand Analytics to corporate systems, thus automating the client messages processing and teamwork. Integration with the following services is available:
- Messenger: Telegram
- Helpdesk systems: Usedesk, Angry.Space, Freshdesk, Useresponse, HelpDeskEddy, Omnidesk, Zendesk
- CRM: Bitrix24, Salesforce
- Statistic API
Statistics of social media and mass media mentions of any item within a years
The ‘Archive search for the year’ feature allows you to quickly assess the statistics of media and mass media mentions of any item over the past year without using price plan limits or incurring additional charges. Number of items is unlimited.Aspects
Aspect is a feature of a product, a brand, or a service to which the message author is expressing their attitude. For example, in a message, a user may criticise the design, but praise the prices. Brand Analytics will mark this as ‘design-negative’ and ‘price-positive’ in the message.Sampling
An ability to set the percentage of messages from the entire message stream to be included in a thread on the item. Allows for the solution of extensive tasks such as trend analysis, global phenomena or high profile events.Number of autotags in a topic / tags in a topic
Tags are text marks that can be added to messages to categorise them. Tags can be added to messages in two ways — automatically by pre-set keywords or manually. Autotags are text marks assigned to a message automatically according to the search query of the tag. 200 / unlimitedNumber of rules in a topic
Rules allow you to automate operations with the collected messages. Once you have set up the conditions you can automatically tag messages, change the tone, mark messages as ‘processed’ or delete them. 100Number of channels in a topic
Channel is a page or card for a brand, product, company or point of sale on websites, marketplaces or geo-services where people leave feedback. Enables the data collection from sources from which it is difficult to collect data generally. Channels can also be used to receive the entire stream of messages and comments from the selected social media pages, such as own brand accounts, into a topic, regardless of whether they contain the keywords or not. 500per month
Number of new messages
per month
Number of topics
A topic is a feed of messages with mentions of the monitored item, as well as a set of all automatic reports, information on the authors and other details on the monitored item. We recommend creating a separate topic for each item. If you want to track mentions of your brand and two competitors, you will need 3 topics. 100Sources
Sources are social networks, blogs, forums, feedback boards, marketplaces, map services, mobile app stores, Telegram channels and chats, online mass media, federal and regional print media, transcripts of TV shows and radio broadcasts. Socials and media in one hub Social media, online mass media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, paid feeds of news agenciesDepth of archive collection
Depth of archive collection is a period preceding the current date, available for retrospective collection. If you need a collection with a depth of more than a year, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 yearNumber of archive messages per month
Overall number of messages downloaded from the annual archive in a month. Uploaded in addition to the new messages collected during the current report period and are not included in the limits for the new messages collection. Messages from current report period downloaded via archive data collection are included both in the account limits and archive data collection limits. If you need an additional data collection, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 000 000 / 12🔥 Stories
Stories are a functionality that combines publications dedicated to one story. It allows tracking the dynamics of a story in real-time and comparing stories with each other based on key indicators. Social media, Mass mediaper month
Integrations allow sending data from Brand Analytics to corporate systems, thus automating the client messages processing and teamwork. Integration with the following services is available:
- Messenger: Telegram
- Helpdesk systems: Usedesk, Angry.Space, Freshdesk, Useresponse, HelpDeskEddy, Omnidesk, Zendesk
- CRM: Bitrix24, Salesforce
- Statistic API
Statistics of social media and mass media mentions of any item within a years
The ‘Archive search for the year’ feature allows you to quickly assess the statistics of media and mass media mentions of any item over the past year without using price plan limits or incurring additional charges. Number of items is unlimited.Aspects
Aspect is a feature of a product, a brand, or a service to which the message author is expressing their attitude. For example, in a message, a user may criticise the design, but praise the prices. Brand Analytics will mark this as ‘design-negative’ and ‘price-positive’ in the message.Sampling
An ability to set the percentage of messages from the entire message stream to be included in a thread on the item. Allows for the solution of extensive tasks such as trend analysis, global phenomena or high profile events.Number of autotags in a topic / tags in a topic
Tags are text marks that can be added to messages to categorise them. Tags can be added to messages in two ways — automatically by pre-set keywords or manually. Autotags are text marks assigned to a message automatically according to the search query of the tag. 200 / unlimitedNumber of rules in a topic
Rules allow you to automate operations with the collected messages. Once you have set up the conditions you can automatically tag messages, change the tone, mark messages as ‘processed’ or delete them. 100Number of channels in a topic
Channel is a page or card for a brand, product, company or point of sale on websites, marketplaces or geo-services where people leave feedback. Enables the data collection from sources from which it is difficult to collect data generally. Channels can also be used to receive the entire stream of messages and comments from the selected social media pages, such as own brand accounts, into a topic, regardless of whether they contain the keywords or not. 500per month
Number of new messages
per month
Number of topics
A topic is a feed of messages with mentions of the monitored item, as well as a set of all automatic reports, information on the authors and other details on the monitored item. We recommend creating a separate topic for each item. If you want to track mentions of your brand and two competitors, you will need 3 topics. 100Sources
Sources are social networks, blogs, forums, feedback boards, marketplaces, map services, mobile app stores, Telegram channels and chats, online mass media, federal and regional print media, transcripts of TV shows and radio broadcasts. Socials and media in one hub Social media, online mass media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, paid feeds of news agenciesDepth of archive collection
Depth of archive collection is a period preceding the current date, available for retrospective collection. If you need a collection with a depth of more than a year, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 yearNumber of archive messages per month
Overall number of messages downloaded from the annual archive in a month. Uploaded in addition to the new messages collected during the current report period and are not included in the limits for the new messages collection. Messages from current report period downloaded via archive data collection are included both in the account limits and archive data collection limits. If you need an additional data collection, you can order it for an extra fee. 1 000 000 / 13🔥 Stories
Stories are a functionality that combines publications dedicated to one story. It allows tracking the dynamics of a story in real-time and comparing stories with each other based on key indicators. Social media, Mass mediaper month
Integrations allow sending data from Brand Analytics to corporate systems, thus automating the client messages processing and teamwork. Integration with the following services is available:
- Messenger: Telegram
- Helpdesk systems: Usedesk, Angry.Space, Freshdesk, Useresponse, HelpDeskEddy, Omnidesk, Zendesk
- CRM: Bitrix24, Salesforce
- Statistic API
Statistics of social media and mass media mentions of any item within a years
The ‘Archive search for the year’ feature allows you to quickly assess the statistics of media and mass media mentions of any item over the past year without using price plan limits or incurring additional charges. Number of items is unlimited.Aspects
Aspect is a feature of a product, a brand, or a service to which the message author is expressing their attitude. For example, in a message, a user may criticise the design, but praise the prices. Brand Analytics will mark this as ‘design-negative’ and ‘price-positive’ in the message.Sampling
An ability to set the percentage of messages from the entire message stream to be included in a thread on the item. Allows for the solution of extensive tasks such as trend analysis, global phenomena or high profile events.Number of autotags in a topic / tags in a topic
Tags are text marks that can be added to messages to categorise them. Tags can be added to messages in two ways — automatically by pre-set keywords or manually. Autotags are text marks assigned to a message automatically according to the search query of the tag. 200 / unlimitedNumber of rules in a topic
Rules allow you to automate operations with the collected messages. Once you have set up the conditions you can automatically tag messages, change the tone, mark messages as ‘processed’ or delete them. 100Number of channels in a topic
Channel is a page or card for a brand, product, company or point of sale on websites, marketplaces or geo-services where people leave feedback. Enables the data collection from sources from which it is difficult to collect data generally. Channels can also be used to receive the entire stream of messages and comments from the selected social media pages, such as own brand accounts, into a topic, regardless of whether they contain the keywords or not. 500The specified price is valid for 100% prepayment for the selected period.
VAT exempt is availibe in case of signing a license agreement, since the Brand Analytics system is included in the Unified Register of Russian Software.
Customer support at each price plan
Setting up the first 2 topics for monitoring
Training and advising on solving your tasks
24/7 technical support
Connecting new sources upon request: up to 10 websites per month
Additional product feature
Additional BrandGPT queries
from RUB 30,000
If you need more queries to BrandGPT than are included in the price plan, you can pay for packages of additional queries. A package of additional queries is active within one billing period.
Cost of additional queries packages:
- 100 queries - RUB 30,000
- 200 queries - RUB 50,000
- 300 queries - RUB 70,000
Analytical support
RUB 30,000 per month
The service is provided during office hours by an expert analyst assigned to you in any format that is convenient for you: via messengers, phone calls, email.
To enable the service, contact your personal manager.
Complete system set-up for an efficient solving of your business tasks and consultative support in operating the system:
- Creating and setting up topics to be monitored
- Setting up autotags and personal filters
- Creating subscriptions to automatic reports.
- Creating notifications on important posts or changes in the brand information field based on objectives and KPI.
- Setting up dashboards in Brand Visor (when using ‘Basic’ or higher rates)
- Creating users and setting up account access levels for employees at your company.
Retrospective data collection
from RUB 15,000 for one month
To enable the service, contact your personal manager.
If you need to collect and analyse data in a greater volume and/or depth than is covered by the price plan, you can order an additional archive collection.
Cost of archive collection for one month:
- Up to 5,000 messages per month — RUB 15,000
- Up to 20,000 messages per month — RUB 25,000
- Up to 100,000 messages per month — RUB 40,000
Cost for every additional 100,000 messages per month — RUB 40,000
Thus, if there are 260,000 messages to be collected in a month, the cost of such a collection will be RUB 120,000.
Streaming API
+ 100% of the rate
To enable the service, contact your personal manager.
Streaming API allows you to transfer to internal corporate systems not only analytics, but also messages and their metadata.
Streaming API is available upon request on ‘Basic’ and higher price plan.